Frankenstein’s specimen jars

Frankenstein's specimen jars

These are probably the easiest Halloween treats  you can make! You’ll only  need some jelly powder and a bag of specimen sweets or bugs candies that  are sold at most stores at Halloween. The  candy bag normally contains eyes, ears, noses fingers, teeth  or bugs etc. You’ll also need some small  plastic, transparent (shot) cups –  the sweets should just fit in them!

How to make them:

  1. Mix the jelly with water in a jar according to packaging instructions.
  2. When cooled, pour it into the mini  cups and put  these in  the fridge until the jelly starts to set.
  3. Then gently drop a speciman into each cup.
  4. Put the cups back into the fridge until the jelly sets completely.


  • Don’t put the specimen into the cups when the jelly is still liquid as they will dissolve!

Other Easy Halloween recipes:

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