Crispy tortilla bats

Crispy tortilla bats

These crispy tortilla bats are really easy to make! They are perfect for a Halloween party. You can make them sweet or savoury depending on the the rest of your party menu.

I’ve made these sweet ones – they’re a cocoa and cinnamon sugar version. Here’s how:

  1. I bought some tortilla wraps – I’ve used wholemeal ones but the the basic white-flour ones are just as good.
  2. I melted some butter on the hob. Actually I used dairy-free sunflower spread.
  3. Using a bat-shaped cookie cutter I stamped out some bat shapes. Not all of them were perfectly cut out, so I trimmed them with scissors.
  4. I mixed some soft brown sugar with cinnamon. I scattered this around on a plate. On another plate I mixed some cocoa with some sugar.
  5. I’ve lined a baking tray with baking paper.
  6. I’ve turned the oven on and set it to 180°C.
  7. I brushed both sides of the bats with the melted butter then I placedΒ them into the sugar mixture – but only one side of them.
  8. I’ve placed the bats on the tray (buttered-side down) and put the tray in the oven.
  9. After 10/15 minutes the bats looked crispy and nicely browned, so I asked my mum to take the tray out of the oven.
  10. We let them cool on the tray then moved them onto a plate.


  • If you want some tortilla bat chips – do the same as above, but brush them with pesto, pizza sauce or chilli sauce.
  • These are also very nice plain or with some seeds scattered on top of them (whichΒ stick to the butter glaze). Eat them with Β scary dips!
  • The sweet versions are perfect with chocolate cream, jelly, ice cream or just as party snacks!

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