Marzipan Easter bunnies

Marzipan Easter bunnies

You can use marzipan the same way as play-dough and make all kinds of ย shapes, motifs and figures! I made these marzipan Easter bunnies with my mum when I was six ย –ย  they are very easy to do and look lovely on the dining table or on top of Easter cakes. They are gluten-free & dairy-free too!

Youโ€™ll need:

  • 500g block of yellow marzipan
  • 100g block of white marzipan
  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 2 Tbsp jam (peach)
  • Icing pen(optional)

How to make 6 Marzipan Easter bunnies:

  1. Divide the yellow marzipan into 6 equal parts, then halve each of them.
  2. Form a head and a body from one half. From the other half roll two small sausage shapes for the hands, two ears and two small balls for the feet.
  3. Repeat this for 5 more bunnies.
  4. Use the white marzipan to form 6 pairs of inner ears, the cheeks and tails.
  5. Melt the chocolate in a glass dish above boiling water and let it cool. Heat the jam in another pan.
  6. Using the brush, glue the body and head together with the jam, then glue on the ears, inner ears, cheeks, and feet.
  7. When set, dip the feet and half of the body into the chocolate to create trousers for them. Draw the eyes, nose and whiskers with the chocolate or icing pen.
  8. When the chocolate has set glue the tails on.
  9. Leave them to dry completely.


  • You can make your own marzipan using thisHomemade marzipan recipe. Just add some natural food colouring to it to have yellow and white marzipan.
  • Be careful with the gluing! When dried, still be careful, as they are very delicate.
  • If you don’t have white marzipan, just use yellow and dip the ears and cheeks in some white icing (or you can use ready rolled icing too!) or wet them slightly and dip them in icing sugar like I did on the picture.



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