Mid&East European

230 Mid&East European Recipes - this is page 20 of 20

Split Pea pottage

0 of 5 01:05 Minutes 1 litre

Pottage is a thick soup or vegetable stew that's very popular in Middle Europe. This is a Hungarian version (felesborsΓ³ or sΓ‘rgaborsΓ³ fΕ‘zelΓ©k) made from split green beans or yellow ...

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Savoy cabbage and potato pottage

4 of 5 00:25 Minutes

In centralΒ Europe this Savoy cabbage and potato pottage is one of the most popular vegetable stews during the winter season (in Hungary it's called calledKelkΓ‘poszta fΕ‘zelΓ©k). They eat this very ...

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