I love Halloween – the dressing up, Β the trick or treat, the food. I like making yummy snacks for our yearly Halloween party. These scary Mummy sausage rolls are one of my favourites and they are so easy to make!
Here is how:
You’ll need:
- 1 pack of ready-rolled puff pastry
- I pack of Frankfurters or Hot-dogs
- Mustard
- 1 egg (beaten)
Then do this:
- Turn the oven on and set it to 180°C.
- Unpack Β the pastry, roll it out, then cut strips of 1 cm wide.
- Wrap the sausages with the pastry like a bandage, but not too tightly! Also leave a small gap near one the head of each one for the mummies’ eyes to go on later (like in the picture above).
- Put the wrapped sausages, face sized up on a lined baking tray (but not close to each other). You could brush them with a with a beaten egg if you like to make them more shiny & crispy.
- Ask an adult to put the tray in the oven. Let them bake for 15-20 minutes.
- Ask an adult to remove the baking tray.
- Allow the mummies to cool, then use a toothpick to place two dots of mustard on their faces to make the eyes.
- You can use other sausages too – Β for example chipolatas, but you’ll need to fry or grill them first. Also, you could use up leftover sausages from your dinner!
- Sometimes I brush some ketchup on the pastry – it looks like blood and makes them even more scary!!!
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