

Simple dairy-free chocolate cake

Dairy-free chocolate cake

I wanted to make a simple but yummy chocolate cake for a party, which didn’t have any milk or other dairy in it, so this is what I  made.

I needed these ingredients:

  • 200g dairy-free spread (such as Pure)
  • 200g  brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 100g self-rasing flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 Tbsp of cocoa powder

This is how I made the cake:

  1. I turned the oven on to 180°Celsius°C.
  2. I greased a cake tin with my dairy-free butter.
  3. In a bowl I mixed together the spread and the sugar using an electric mixer. When it was light and fluffy I added one egg and kept mixing. Then I added the other eggs, one at a time and mixed them in well.
  4. Then I sifted the flour, baking powder and cocoa and, using a spatula, I gently folded them into the mixture.
  5. I spooned the mixture into the cake tin and spread it out evenly.
  6. I asked my mummy to put the tin into the hot oven and after 30 minutes we checked whether it was cooked through (we put a wooden stick in the middle). It wasn’t clear so we put it back to the oven for another 10 minutes. Then we turned off the oven, opened the door and let it cool down in there.
  7. We took the tin out of the oven and let it cool completely, then took the cake out of the tin.
  8. While the cake was cooling we made the icing.
  9. We put 100g of very good quality chocolate in a glass bowl which we put above simmering water. The chocolate melted!  We mixed 100g of dairy-free butter and 50g brown icing sugar until it was creamy. We folded this into the chocolate.
  10. I spread the icing over the cake and let it rest until the icing became hard.
  11. I decorated it with some cherries.

Tip: If you want, you can add dried fruits or fresh fruits to the cake – such as cherries, raspberries and strawberries.

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