About 20 years ago I felt sluggish; my tummy was bloated and my skin was blotchy – so it was time to do something about it. I thought I’d give a strict detox programme a go and, after a month, I felt like a different person. In fact, my first
Despite feeling so amazing that first time, I haven’t been able to do the full 30 day programme ever since. I’ve just found it impossible to find a whole month of not consuming any meat, fish, dairy, gluten or sugar and not drinking any caffeine or alcohol. My life has been full-on and my will-power is quite flimsy when it comes to yummy temptations. So instead I’ve created some seasonal, 7-14 day detox plans, which I’ve found much more doable – not just because they’re shorter but because I’ve adapted the original “free-from-everything” programme to suit
This year, for various reasons, I decided to do the 30 day DETOX programme again. Just like all those years ago, I don’t feel well in my skin; I don’t sleep well; and I have flabby bits around my waistline. But this time round I’m not going to restrict everything in one go, instead I’m taking a more gentle (or sensible) approach to it. Anyway, as usual, the experts have changed their minds about certain foods during the last 15 years – some that were considered good, now are
So based on 15 years of regular, seasonal detoxing I’ve developed a Spring CleanDiet plan which I’m going to describe in detail and share here at CookTogether as a journal.
What is theSpring Clean Diet?
It’s basically a body cleansing & renewal plan through food. It’s not vegan, not low-carb or law-cal; there is no calorie counting, portion-restrictions or carb-ban. Having said that, the programme is mainly plant-based – so lot’s of fruits, veggies and whole grains are consumed. Most detox programmes don’t allow fish, dairy and eggs. I think seafood and eggs are so beneficial to our health that I included these in the plan too. Also, the occasional organic dairy products not only help dishes taste better but have lots of qualities & properties that are very good for the guts (such as Kefir or live yogurt). Read the full explanation in how theSpring Clean Dietworks>>
Spring Renewal
Most of us attempt a diet in January as a penance after the festive period of self-indulgence and over-consumption. Then again, at the beginning of Summer, some of us panic and go on a crush diet to try to look more presentable on the beach. Well, I prefer a more relaxed approach that follows Nature – so, as Spring is the season of rejuvenation, I think it’s much easier to cleanse and renew our body and soul in a synchronous way. During the winter I feel like eating lots of comfort food, such as hearty stews, soups and one-pot dishes; usually accompanied with a large glass or so of red wine to survive the long, gloomy evenings. Summer for me is about BBQ parties andal frescodining with plenty of Aperol Spritz & Pimms. So, I can only manage a week or two of light detoxing during these seasons. But at Springtime I’m naturally attracted to wholesome soups & salads, full of new, fresh vegetables. The days grow longer, the air smells fragrant and fresher – so it just becomes much more bearable to restrict certain foods for a whole month (to be honest, most of them I no longer crave anyway). I think it’s worth noting that
Preparing for theSpring Clean Diet
Over the years I’ve learnt that in order to complete my cleansing diet plan, I have to prepare for it properly. So the next part is about Preparing for the Spring Clean Diet>>
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