We are provide some recipeshortcodefor your theme.

Recipe slider shortcode version 1
recipe_slider version="1/2" per_page="1/2/3.." orderby="date/name/comment_count" order="asc/desc" categories="all" tax="cuisine/recipe types.."

Recipe slider shortcode version 2
recipe_slider version="1/2" per_page="1/2/3.." orderby="date/name/comment_count" order="asc/desc" categories="all" tax="cuisine/recipe types.."

Recipe grid shortcode
recipe_grid post_page="1/2/3.." orderby="date/name/comment_count" order="asc/desc"

  • Servings : 2
  • Cook Time : 00:30 Min
150 cal vegetable curry
  • Servings : 2
  • Cook Time : 00:30 Min
250 calorie mushroom and bean stew
  • Yield : 1 kg
  • Cook Time : 00:30 Min
Aavakaaya pachadi (Mango pickle)
Recipe list shortcode
recipe_list post_page="1/2/3.." orderby="date/name/comment_count" order="asc/desc"

175 calorie vegetable curry

4 of 5 00:30 Minutes

It’s so easy to make low-calorie yet filling & tasty meals! The secret is to use mainly low-cal ingredients such as mushroom (22Kcal/100g), courgette (17Kcal/100g)Β  and spinach (19 Kcal/100g) and ...

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